Saturday, March 13, 2010

All Research Is Flawed

This is not a criticism of how people conduct research but just to say that there is no such thing as perfect research. There is awalys some limitation, some aspect that could have been done better, even if it is just the write up.

The danger with not accepting that research is flawed is that researchers become paralysed and incapable of progressing with their work. Sometimes you just have to accept their are limitations with your work and get on with it and do the best job you can and of course, declare the limitations of your work!

1 comment:

  1. Making generalizations about a group of people in itself is flawed. Each person has his or her own set of conditions that effect their behavior at any given moment. Having a hypothesis is bias. If you start with a preconceived idea about the outcome and you are the one conducting the study, you can not help but to influence the outcome. Then we average the response without digging deeper into why each individual responded the way they did.
