Thursday, May 27, 2010

What Motivates You To conduct Research?

I think I asked this before but what motivates you to do research? How much is it externally driven by your university? Do you think you are supported in your research? What are your plans for your research?


  1. Your post reminded me of a piece I read recently - link below - and I could not agree more with the 3rd comment from the top (by Ben):

    I wouldn't say that my research is driven by my university but rather that there is an evolution and that the two interests tend to meet - for instance, as a result of partnerships between the university and other institutions, companies, etc...

    Regarding your question about support, I don't know anyone who feels well supported or, at least, who feels that the support provided meets the expectations (e.g., in terms of time allocation vs. expected output). Do you?

  2. Hi - thanks for the link. I will take a look at it. For me, research is driven my aim to make a contribution to knowledge in some small way. Some periods, my university is keen on research and sometimes it is appears less keen. However, my drive has remained constant so I tend to take little notice of what the university wants as it doesn't have a clear direction.

    The second driver for my research is to use it as a vehicle to develop people, particularly PhD students and research assistants. This is where I get a lot of satisfaction from. I have a dream to work with a lot of people and see them develop from the experiences.

    On the support, LOL. No I haven't met anyone that feels well supported. It would be nice to feel encouraged though.


  3. Thanks for the information. It helps alot on my study.
